Monthly Archives: December 2011

iPhone unlock Methods

Well, in this article i will tell you about various unlock method to unlock your iPhone along with merits and demerits

Method 1

Ultrasn0w Unlock: This is a software based unlock for iPhone 4 which requires jailbreaking your device and is available on cydia.
see an example on how to JAILBREAK here.

you can jailbreak using Jailbreak me if you are on version 4.3.3, or limera1n, or green poison or snow breeze or pwnagetool.

free to download and install


requires jaibreaking
only available upto iphone4 on baseband 01.59.00
unlock lost during update.

Method 2

this is a hardware unlock procedure in which the Gevey SIM interposer is used to unlock the phone

Requires no jail breaking
easy to unlock
available on eBay and amazon
can unlock all base bands and firmwares


fake sims are always available

Method 3

IMEI unlock

in this method the provider will take your IMEI number which is unique to every mobile devie and then the same is put into Apple’s White list. so when u sync to your iTunes next time it gets permanentally unlocked


official permanenet unlcok
unlock is not lost and works exactly like factory unlock


very expensive.

iOS 4.4.4 for apple TV

Apple has just released the software update for ATV 2, version 4.4.4

According to release notes, this software includes general performance and stability improvements, including a fix for an issue that shows error while playing some videos.

DOWNLOAD Apple TV 4.4.4(9A406a)from here.

other features of this update are not known yet.

so if you find any changes and new features please let us know in the comments below.

install Siri Manually on iphone 4 and iPod touch.

guide to install SIRI MANUALLY on your iPhone or iPod touch…

if you can’t get siri installed via Cydia
download the .deb file manually and install it using SSH or iphone explorer
and goolge on how to install .deb file on iphone.
Make sure that the following have also been downloaded in order to eliminate any further inconvenience:
Now to begin with the process of how to install Siri on iPhone 4 or how to install Siri on iPhone 3GS, one needs to follow certain steps with high end precision:
  • The foremost step is to ensure that the current device is running on the iOS 5 which will enable the iOS to install the provisions of Siri on the existing device. One can get it done through by way of upgrading the iOS on the current device.
  • The next step is to ensure that the currently installed iOS 5 is jail broken for the purpose of implementing the Siri voice assistance program with the help of redsn0w.
  • After jail breaking the iOS 5, connect the device to the computer by using iPhone explorer or the i-Funbox in order to copy AssistantServices.framework folder , which can be obtained from the above downloads. These downloads shall be stored in the device zone: Root>System>Library>PrivateFrameworks
  • Access the Springboard folder and then copy and paste all the data here, not the folder but the data inside it: Root>System>Library>CoreServices>
  • Now it is time to access Cydia where from the iFile location one needs to visit: System>Library>CoreServices>
  • The .plist file needs to be accessed from here which will be different for different devices. For an instance, in case of iPhone 4, it will be in form of N90, N91, etc, and in case of iPod touch it will be named as N81Ap, etc.
  • A new property list need to be added in the same .plist file and should be named assistant. Make sure that the class is set to Boolean and the value is stated as a Yes.
  • At the end of it ensure that ‘assistant’ has been added to the .plist file
Once all of these steps have been executed properly one ca have the Siri application on the iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS, but again is shall be remembered that these are only for demonstration, the application will not work and if precision is not maintained, it can also permanently damage the iPhone.

UPDATE- it should be noted that it works with some iPhones without any problems and doesn’t work on others.
and yes this is still illegal..

Siri on iPhone 4, 3gs & iPod touch

hello friends,

some of our friendly developers have successfully ported Siri on iphone 4 and some other devices

it’s simple

all you need is to go to cydia and install H1Siri… and you are done “but”

Read this carefully….
Warning: H1Siri is probably illegal and still very buggy. Furthermore H1Siri works only with the iPhone 4 We 
recommend you stay away from H1Siri!

In addition, you must be careful, when you use such a port, because the personal data are transmitted by you on the team’s own servers, the developers have such access to personal data such as email, SMS, calendar, contacts and 
locations of you.

steps to install h1siri on your iPhone

You need to restart after you install this.

You need to be on iOS 5 or later and your iPhone should be jailbroken for this.

beware you could mess your phone up pretty bad. so Take your backups before you do this.

*Note*- Please be aware that apple can take serious action against all those distributing illegal files and you could also end up giving your data on some unknown servers
