Category Archives: 4 on ios 6.0

iOS 6 Jailbreak

iOS 6 jailbreak is here but not yet completely!!
If you have  an iPhone 4 or 3GS, or a fourth-generation iPod Touch? If you do, and you upgraded to iOS 6, you can now jailbreak it.
Devices Not supported
iPhone 4S. 
iPhone 5
iPad 2 or 3
latest or fifth gen iPod.
This latest jailbreak comes courtesy of the iPhone Dev-Team. the Dev-Team hacked away at developer versions of iOS 6 to develop a jailbreak method, with mixed results. The newest release of the Redsn0w jailbreak tool gets the job done, though,but its not easy, so all those with big hearts… go do it.

 the jailbreak is currently a tethered one, so you’ll have to plug your iPhone into a computer and run Redsn0w whenever you restart it. If you don’t, you’ll lose the jailbreak, so this hack isn’t exactly ideal. 

If you rely on unlock, do not get tempted to upgrade or jailbreak. give us some time to help you.