Category Archives: iphone jailbreaking

iOS 4.2.1 Final Version Jailbroken Using Updated Redsn0w 0.9.6b4 [How to Guide]

The iPhone Dev Team has just released Redsn0w 0.9.6b4 today which brings first proper jailbreak, with working Cydia and MobileSubstrate for all iOS 4.2.1 devices.

For those of you who don’t know, Redsn0w 0.9.6b4 is based on Geohot’s Limera1n bootrom exploit which has already pwned all current iOS devices for life.

The only problem is that it is a tethered jailbreak, which means you will have to boot it into a “jailbroken state” on every reboot. This so called tethered or semi-tethered jailbreak condition in Redsn0w 0.9.6b4 however only applies to the new devices like: iPhone 3GS (new bootrom), iPhone 4, iPad, iPod touch 2G (MC Model), iPod touch 3G and the iPod touch 4G. 

 But don’t worry it works fine… okay

Old devices like iPhone 3GS (old bootrom), iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G (Non-MC Model) can be jailbroken-untethered right now using this latest version of Redsn0w. So until and unless Comex of Spirit and JailbreakMe fame comes up with another untethered hack for iOS 4.2.1, the jailbreak we get for the newer devices will be tethered (or semi-tethered).

NOTE: Those of you who rely on a carrier unlock MUST STAY AWAY from Redsn0w and iOS 4.2.1.

Follow the step by step instructions posted below to jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 with Redsn0w 0.9.6b4:

Step 1: Download iOS 4.2.1 for your version of iOS device.

Step 2: Update/Restore to iOS 4.2.1 firmware using the IPSW file

you just downloaded via iTunes 10.1.
Step 3: Start Redsn0w 0.9.6b4 and point it to iOS 4.2.1 firmware to proceed with the jailbreak.

just do how its done in the screen shots

 Step 4- Now in this step if you want to jailbreak for the first time then select Install Cydia and hit enter or next

 After you press Next 
it will show you 3 instructions, please follow them and your phone will be jailbroken.

Now as already told for those who will be going through Tethered boots

you need to follow the exact step till this one shown below.

instead of choosing Install cydia, choose as shown below and hit next….


The Top 10 Cydia Apps of 2010


appulo.usInstallous once again has wowed us with its ability to be so much more than a simple app repository. Due to the overwhelming number of pirates on the previous server, the app now uses a better, harder, faster, stronger server that’s much, much, much more user and network friendly. Browsing and downloading apps is now easier than ever on your 3G phone. Again, we caution you to watch out for apps that are just pirated versions of App Store apps. Rather, use Installous to get those apps that are gone now from the App Store or couldn’t make it on there in the first place (like those with adult content).


cycorderCycorder is a little less pivotal this time around because 3GS users already know what it’s like to have a good video camera on the phone. Nevertheless, Cycorder is a tremendous app for those of us who still live just fine with our 3G iPhones. Cycorder records video just as well as it did last year and has added a few bug fixes since the writing of this article last August. Today you’ll find a much easier-to-use app as well as one that’s a bit more flexible in terms of shooting.
The ability to SSH into the phone and extract the videos remains a huge draw for those amateur videographers without video-camera equipped iPhones.
Note: REMEMBER TO FILM YOUR VIDEOS IN HORIZONTAL MODE! If you don’t, you’ll have to change the orientation of the videos in a very roundabout way.

Wi-Fi Sync

wifi sync iphoneWi-Fi Sync is a new app we’re adding to the list for 2010 – a real must-see-it-to-believe it app. All it requires is that both your iPhone and PC with iTunes installed be on the same network together. Once you have the app downloaded and the required program running on your PC (with either Mac OSX or Windows 7), the software interfaces with your iPhone a single time and pairs it with your PC – much the way a Bluetooth device would be paired with its counterpart.
Once both devices are paired and ready, the software on the PC tricks your computer into thinking your iPhone is hooked up to it via USB. Then it proceeds to sync wirelessly through your network. The retail price for the app is $9.99, which may seem a bit steep, but considering that many of the iPhone users I’ve met don’t ever hook up their iPhones to their PCs, but rather to chargers, this idea of wirelessly syncing your files, photos, videos, and music is something quite extraordinary, that Apple might want to look into in their next iOS update. Total Transparency: I ran the app using my new iPhone 4 and it ran quite well and fast – your mileage may vary when it comes to earlier iOS devices.

Cylay 3.0

IMG 0049In 2009 I cast off Cylay because of Apple’s new MobileMe service that can find your phone for you without need for any jailbreaking. However, in the months since then, it has come to light that MobileMe isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, so I’m changing sides here and recommending you stick with Cylay for your security needs.
Cylay functions as essentially an all-in-one security app (minus a firewall – see next page) to ensure your phone is safe and in your possession at all times. Cylay doesn’t really bring new features to the table, but it is an incredible app that no one should be walking around without.


categories9Categories is a pivotal app for those of us that want a little more organization out of our phones. Categories allows the user to “wrangle” the icons on the various home screens into a self-contained folder that can then launch those programs. The idea works as well as it is ingenious – that is to say incredibly well.
Games, Jailbreak, and “Useless System Apps” currently populate my 2 home screens. And while Categories is useful for separating and launching individual apps, I would still recommend launching more intensive apps outside of the folder browser.


sbsettings 090-1SBSettings is an essential (and totally free) application. Right after you jailbreak, after OpenSSH, this should be the second app you download off Cydia. SBSettings overlays a menu that contains the basic functions of the system “options” menus. This overlay menu is easily accessed by swiping the bar at the top of the screen with the time and contains things like Brightness, 3G, Wi-Fi, and other switches to turn things on and off.
Bar none, this app is the most useful thing inside Cydia for your daily use of the phone. Especially being able to control brightness inside ANY application will show you that your jailbreak was not in vain.


iphone 1MCleaner is basically the iBlacklist app for the iPhone, but a bit more sophisticated. Unfortunately, unlike last year when a vast majority of the apps on the store were free, MCleaner too is not free. However, you can give it a 15 day trial and see if it is for you. What it basically does is MCleaner creates blacklists and whitelists of callers that you can decide upon. Then, you can even choose how the phone will ignore a blacklisted caller for instance.
Several other security features make this an incredible app as well, even though it is a bit on the pricey side ($11.99). You can fake data instead of showing the network you typed in a wrong password, SMS previews on the lockscreen can be disabled as well, and even SMS can be filtered to prevent annoying people from contacting you.

3G Unrestrictor

3gunrestrictor01Other paid apps are cool to have if you need them, but 3G Unrestrictor is a relatively cheap ($3) app that is vital if you’re ever going to take your iPhone into the “Unlimited” plan you actually purchased it for. In 2009, I advised you to get VOIPover3G, that app has been discontinued and has been replaced by a bevy of 3G restriction-lifting apps. 3G Unrestrictor continues to be the cheapest and best of the best.
What this app does is it enables you to access the 3G network for things the iPhone would normally block by tricking it into thinking that it is operating over Wi-Fi. This means that you can make Skype calls out on the middle of the highway, or watch videos over Slingbox while waiting in the doctor’s office that doesn’t have Wi-Fi. Personally, lifting the 10 Mb limits on the App Store and iTunes respectively is awesome – because now larger podcast downloads are just clicks away.

Firewall iP

Firewall iPFirewall iP works for you in ways that I didn’t think would be possible on an iPhone. Basically, Firewall iP functions as Zonealarm would on the PC but on your iPhone, allowing through traffic and blocking traffic just as a real firewall would. For those that jailbreak often and download a lot online, a decent firewall is great protection on a PC, but it seems like it’s quickly becoming essential on the iPhone as well.
Block your incoming and outgoing connections on an app-by-app basis with an interface similar to the one found on SBSettings. It’s all integrated and works amazingly well.


Hi friend if you have a locked iphone or unjailbroken or locked iphone, then you can
do it using REDSN0W software

follow the simple steps

1-Download your official iphone or iOS from here

2-Download your Redsn0w software here for from here
3-Download your Redsn0w software here for from here

This is the best way to jailbread the iphone
you can also download and use PWNAGE tool for the same.

leave you comment and queries.. if any?


Sorry i have been NOT blogging for a long time.

but here i am back to solve your queries.

if you have any problem regarding iphone hacking,
iphone jailbreaking, iphone unlocking just email me or leave me a comment here

or chat with me at iphone_god1122 on yahoo messenger

jailbreak and hactivate iOS4

hi friends .

redsn0w beta has been updated to hacktivate iOS 4.0 for iPhone3G (in addition to jailbreaking the iPhone3G and iPod Touch 2G). The download links for redsn0w 0.9.5b5-4 are

NOTE: this is only for iPhone3G

iPhone 3GS people, keep waiting for a while… you are next!

Mac version

Windows Version


How to Jailbreak Your iPhone, iPod Using BlackRa1n (WINDOWS)

These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone and iPod touch using BlackRa1n for Windows.

The BlackRa1n jailbreak will work with the latest 3.1.2 firmware; however, it will not hacktivate your iPhone. This means that if you are not on an official Apple approved carrier BlackRa1n cannot activate it.

For those with the new iPod touch, BlackRa1n only supports a tethered jailbreak. This means that once jailbroken you should not let your battery die. If it does die you will need to reconnect it to the computer and use BlackRa1n to boot it.

WARNING: Even though the GeoHot jailbreak supports 3.1.2 do not update if you are on iPhone OS 3.0.1 or 3.0. You will lose your unlock. Use PwnageTool to safely update to 3.1 without performing a baseband update. If you really must have 3.1.2 then wait for the next version of PwnageTool. If you have already updated to 3.1 or 3.1.2 without using PwnageTool then you’ve lost the ability to unlock for the time being. You can now use BlackRa1n to at least regain your jailbreak 🙂

Ok lets begin…

These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone and iPod touch using BlackRa1n for Windows.

The BlackRa1n jailbreak will work with the latest 3.1.2 firmware; however, it will not hacktivate your iPhone. This means that if you are not on an official Apple approved carrier BlackRa1n cannot activate it.

For those with the new iPod touch, BlackRa1n only supports a tethered jailbreak. This means that once jailbroken you should not let your battery die. If it does die you will need to reconnect it to the computer and use BlackRa1n to boot it.

WARNING: Even though the GeoHot jailbreak supports 3.1.2 do not update if you are on iPhone OS 3.0.1 or 3.0. You will lose your unlock. Use PwnageTool to safely update to 3.1 without performing a baseband update. If you really must have 3.1.2 then wait for the next version of PwnageTool. If you have already updated to 3.1 or 3.1.2 without using PwnageTool then you’ve lost the ability to unlock for the time being. You can now use BlackRa1n to at least regain your jailbreak 🙂

Ok lets begin…

Step One
Open your web browser of choice and navigate to Click the Windows logo at the bottom of the screen.

Step Two
When prompted save the download to your desktop

execute the program

run the software blackra1n.exe

Make sure your iPhone or iPod is connected to the computer then click the large make it ra1n button

You iPhone will now be placed in recovery mode.

your iphone screen should look like this


your device will reboot with the messege “running” on the software

then it should say “done, wait for reboot”.


Voila, you are done when this messege show.

Once your device reboots it will be jailbroken and you will notice a blackra1n icon on the desktop. Make sure you have an internet connection and press to launch the application.

Choose the installer application of your choice then press the Install button at the top right of the screen

BlackRa1n will begin to download and install the package you selected.

this will only jailbreak your iphone but not unlock it…

see more to unlock it

MySMS app for iPhone

well there are many apps which help you obtain the full functionality of your iphone sms features.

well the inbuilt SMS app sucks a big time !!!!

all you can do with that is just read and reply and compile a new one.

do u know???
there are many FREE phones who have better features than iPhone…

but anyways, whenever theres a problem, there’s a solution to that….

so today i will discuss about various iphone SMS apps…

the best APPS for iphoone are

1- iRealSMS



Well these are the winners…

so lets talk about MySMS now…..

how to install it and how to crack it…………. its pretty easy buddies…

all you need to know is HOW TO SSH into your iPhone via WinSCP over wifi…

once again……….

login id is – root
password is – alpine

for SSHing to your iPhone via winSCP

step 1-

download and install MySMS from Cydia

step 2-
now download the Crack for MYSMS from HERE or HERE

step 3-
Now SSH into your iPhone and overwrite the downloaded folder over the one installed from Cydia. Now here is the tricky part. Change the permission to 0777 and you are dont……

MYSMS icon turns from color orange to blue! opened app no nag to register.

Let’s recap :

  • download and install MySMS from Cydia
  • download folder from one of the two locations above ( sharebee or rapidshare )
  • SSH into the phone and overwrite the files you have installed from Cydia with the ones you have downloaded from those 2 location
  • reboot iPhone
  • ( in addition you might want to set the permission to 777 )

Good luck , and really hope you manage to crack your MySMS app, cause its amazing and we all can benefit from it.





add “”“” your cydia sources.

so now open cydia…

go to MANAGE

then to SOURCES

and tap on Xsellize on the top

there you will find MySMS in the list

just install it and


no need to do anything…..

the app is totally cracked………

i M LOVING IT……………..

iBLUETOOTH on iPhone!! coming soon

hello friends Bluetooth File Transfer is Coming Soon to the iPhone.

A developer, MeDevil, has just claimed that his iPhone app called iBluetooth will allow users to transfer files from their iPhone to other Bluetooth devices. He has also released a demo video of his iPhone app in action.

seee the videio in ACTION HERE

The iPhone comes with Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR (short for Enhanced Data Rate) built-in. But it only supports the Bluetooth Headset Profile and Bluetooth Hands-free Profile 1.5 which is a major limitation.


well this has not been released as if now. but wil be put on Cydia soon..

for this you need a jail breaken iPHONE. and cydia and installer installed.

KEEP waiting.

here is a link for MEDEVIL’s Blog


so you messed up with your iphone again……………. !! phew!!

that’s how you reched this page, i am sure.. well not to worry!

i did that and i learnt how to deal with it…

and i m now a master of iphone ( ha ha ha!!!)

so here’s a helping hand for all those people who want to let go of the APPLE’s hand cuffs from their iphone…

For Important Info on Jailbreaking iPhone OS 2.2, Please READ THIS First! Updated Guides to Follow!

********Disclamer- Me or anyone who helps you unlock your iphone is not responsible for any damage done to you phone.
by following to the steps to jailbreak you iphone below, you will be sole responsible for any damage done.***********


STEP one–
if you accidentally updated your iphone or messed up with it some how…

then follow these steps to restore your iphone with the firmware of your iphone.

if your iphone firmware is 2.1 or below.. then download this FW to restore your phone to factory settings
DOWNLOAD firmware 2.1 for 2G phones from here

DOWNLOAD 2.2 (2G) firmware here

DOWNLOAD 2.2(3G) here
Connect your iphone to itunes.

Step 2-
now in the info tab. hold the shift key + click on the Restore button.
but u need to download the iphone firmware before that from the link above .

Step 3 –
now locate your iphone FW on the computer and restore your iphone to the default factory settings.

so now you are ready to JAILBREAK… come and explore!!


make sure that you have itunes 8 installed. now create a folder named “QuickPwn” on your desktop and keep all the files in this folder to make is easier… download the following files. 1-QuickPWN tool for firmware 2.1 2-

2- QuickPwn tool for firmware 2.2

3- Firmware for 2.1 or 2.2 from the above given links.

Once you have downloaded the above files you should unzip the file inside the Quickpwn folder you just created.
Step 2- Run The QuickPwn tool

3. Connect your iPhone

4. Locate Firmware

Now we have to click the browse button to locate your iPhone firmware software.

now select the firmware software.

5. Firmware Verification

QuickPwn will now verify you have selected the correct firmware. After it is verified click the blue arrow to continue.

6. Customize your firmware

This step allows you select what you’d like installed on your iPhone. You have the ability to select Cydia, Installer, and replace boot logos. Once you have made your selections click the blue arrow to continue on. If you want a full jailbreaking experience, installing Cydia and Installer is highly recommended.

8. Verify connection

QuickPwn will noW verify that your iPhone 3G is still connected to your PC. Again click the blue arrow to continue your journey…

9. follow the instructions which are displayed on the screen. make sure that you do whatever is displayed on the screen.. otherwise you might end up doing everything again

10. you are now jail broken.. ENJOY